1/2016 pp. 52-58
Niskotarciowe powłoki na bazie MoS2 z podwarstwami chromu na odlewniczych stopach aluminium

I have attempted to meet request on lightweight functional materials with low friction coefficient and high wear resistance reported by various areas of industry. For this purpose I attempted to combine good tribological properties of MoS2 (Ti,W) coatings base and modified and refined silumin. In addition, under MoS2 (Ti,W) coating the Cr interlayer was deposited having the task to increase the adhesion of the coating to the substrate. In such a composite tribological tests were the major studies. Additionally, for the characterization of deposited coatings the following studies were conducted: qualitative analysis of the phase composition of X-ray diffraction (XRD), linear analysis of the distribution of selected elements (EDS), nano-hardness and Young modulus were measured
Ключевые словаabrasion resistance, MoS2 coatings, alloys
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