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Technical Issues
3/2016 pp. 29-35

Powtarzalność a indywidualność architektury

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The subject of the research is the architecture of the residential buildings and the issues of repeatability and individuality of the emerging forms and spatial systems in the light of the various factors influencing their ultimate appearance and perception. The purpose of the research is to show the positive features of the contemporary used repetitive elements in individual buildings and entire units of objects, which in turn gives very customised solutions. In support of this thesis in the article there is an attempt to summarize some of the findings resulting from the long practice of the proffesional architect, and adduction of examples of such objects from the area of Poland and the world. Collected research material was analysed in terms of the impact of the various areas of life on the design process and the evolution of the surrounding space. The result of the study is that the use of repetition forms in parts or the whole of residential buildings, has, paradoxically, a positive impact on individual character of the buildings.

Ключевые слова

architect, investor, the design process, the architectural object

Библиографический список

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