3/2016 pp. 60-66
Kopuły i ich geometria

This article is focused on design of traditional historical domes. Outstanding works of architecture such as: the dome of Hagia Sophia, dome of the dome of the rock mosque, the dome of Florence Cathedral, the dome of Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, as well as less famous – Greek-Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Krowica Sama have been analyzed. According to the criterion of geometrical complexity we created the table in which the individual structures were systematized. The table also includes information on historical period, building materials, technology and dimensions for all examples. The paper aims to summarize the changes that took place in terms of how to construct and demonstrate the appropriateness of use of this type of solution, which led to the conclusion that each of new solutions is based on already existing one.
Ключевые словаdome, geometry, cross section, the base, the criterion of geometrical complexity
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